manage the clipboard with fzf

gather your clippings in one place

# requirements

# script


cid=$(clipcatctl list | sort | fzf -d ': ' --with-nth '2' --preview 'echo $(clipcatctl get {1})' \
    --header=$'\e[1;34m<ctrl-x>\e[0m exit & clear \e[1;34m<ctrl-r>\e[0m reload\n\e[1;34m<enter>\e[0m copy\e[1;34m<left>\e[0m remove\n\n' \
    --border-label='Cached clipboard' \
    --bind 'enter:become(echo {1})' \
    --bind 'ctrl-x:execute(clipcatctl clear)+abort' \
    --bind 'ctrl-r:reload(clipcatctl list)' \
    --bind 'left:execute(clipcatctl remove {1})+reload(clipcatctl list)' \
    --bind 'ctrl-n:preview-up' \
    --bind 'ctrl-p:preview-down')

if [[ $cid == "" ]]; then

clipcatctl promote $cid

This will allow executing ctrl-r to reload, ctrl-x uto clear and quit, <left> to remove an entry, and enter to promote the entry to our current clipboard and quit. See here for how to integrate this with alacritty to replace dmenu.