manage the clipboard with fzf
gather your clippings in one place
# requirements
- fzf
- a terminal (example uses alacritty)
- xorg (might work on wayland)
- clipcatd (a clipboard manager)
- set this up according to their instructions first, but don’t worry about
, we will make our own.
- set this up according to their instructions first, but don’t worry about
# script
cid=$(clipcatctl list | sort | fzf -d ': ' --with-nth '2' --preview 'echo $(clipcatctl get {1})' \
--header=$'\e[1;34m<ctrl-x>\e[0m exit & clear \e[1;34m<ctrl-r>\e[0m reload\n\e[1;34m<enter>\e[0m copy\e[1;34m<left>\e[0m remove\n\n' \
--border-label='Cached clipboard' \
--bind 'enter:become(echo {1})' \
--bind 'ctrl-x:execute(clipcatctl clear)+abort' \
--bind 'ctrl-r:reload(clipcatctl list)' \
--bind 'left:execute(clipcatctl remove {1})+reload(clipcatctl list)' \
--bind 'ctrl-n:preview-up' \
--bind 'ctrl-p:preview-down')
if [[ $cid == "" ]]; then
clipcatctl promote $cid
This will allow executing ctrl-r
to reload, ctrl-x
uto clear and quit,
to remove an entry, and enter
to promote the entry to our current
clipboard and quit. See
here for how
to integrate this with alacritty to replace dmenu.